Text formatting

A paragraph can be defined as one or more lines of consecutive text that are logically grouped together. To differentiate between paragraphs, you simply need to insert at least one blank line between them.

When creating paragraphs in AsciiDoc, it’s inefficient to write entire paragraphs on a single line. Instead, put each sentence on its own line, a technique known as ventilated prose.

Level 1 section title

Level 2 section title

Level 3 section title

Level 4 section title
Level 5 section title

Level 1 section title w/ custom role (no line)

Apply [.header-noline] to level 1 section titles to remove the line that normally appears below the section title.

Level 1 section title (discrete)

Applying the [discrete] style effectively demotes the section title to a normal heading. Discrete headings are not part of the section hierarchy, and they are not included in the table of contents, page TOC, etc.

Text formatting

A bold word, and a bold phrase of text. Bold characters within a word.

An italic word, and an italic phrase of text. Italic characters within a word.

A monospace word, and a monospace phrase of text. Monospace characters within a word.

That really has to go. Can’t pick one? Let’s use them all.

A highlighted word, and a highlighted phrase of text. Highlighted characters within a word.

Where did all the cores go?

We need ten twenty VMs.



“Well the H2O formula written on their whiteboard could be part of a shopping list, but I don’t think the local bodega sells E=mc2,” Lazarus replied.

Custom inline styles

A custom role must be fulfilled by the theme.

Instead of having to enclose text within tags or special characters, you can focus on expressing your ideas and content in a clear and concise manner.

The UI automatically applies the open_in_new icon to external links. (An external link is any link that doesn’t target a page on docs.datastax.com.)

In the rare case where you don’t want the special icon to appear for a particular external link, just apply role=remove-ext-icon to remove it.

If an xref fails to resolve, the link text is displayed as-is, but in red.

Keyboard, button, and menu macros

To save the file, select File  Save. Select View  Zoom  Reset to reset the zoom level to the default setting.

Press the OK button when you are finished. Select a file in the file navigator and click Open.

Press F11 to toggle fullscreen. Press Ctrl+T to open a new tab.


AsciiDoc provides the footnote macro for adding footnotes to your document.[1]

Symbol replacements

Name Syntax Unicode Replacement Rendered Notes












Em dash




Only replaced if between two word characters, between a word character and a line boundary, or flanked by spaces.

When flanked by space characters (e.g., a -- b), the normal spaces are replaced by thin spaces ( ). Otherwise, the em dash is followed by a zero-width space (​) to provide a break opportunity.





The ellipsis is followed by a zero-width space (​) to provide a break opportunity.

Single right arrow



Double right arrow



Single left arrow



Double left arrow



Typographic apostrophe




The typewriter apostrophe is replaced with the typographic (aka curly or smart) apostrophe.

1. Look! A footnote!

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